Starting a 7 Week Artist’s Way

I’ve been a full time artist since I graduated from Texas State University with a BFA in Communication Design in 2023. I’ve been so incredibly lucky that I’ve had a support system that’s allowed me to start my own business and pursue freelance rather than getting a corporate design job. (Of course I’m sure the alternate reality me that’s working at an advertising firm in Austin is having a lovely time too). This reality me is based in Corpus Christi, Texas.

As someone who works from home most of the time and usually travels when working outside of the house I’m constantly in search of reinvention and self actualization. Every experience builds and changes who I am. Working NostalgiaCon in Houston led to me taking a perfumery class, delving me deeper into my scent based obsessions. Working cons in San Antonio and visiting Cozy Days Gallery and Daiso pushed me towards designing stationary (washi tape and post its have been orders, keep an eye out for those soon! Every new experience changes and shapes who I am and as an artist I get to reflect on this more deeply and more often than other people, a fact for which I’m incredibly grateful.

So in pursuit of always being who I am I’ve decided to do a condensed and less spiritually based adaptation of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way. I’m condensing it to 7 weeks because that’s how long I have before my 24th birthday! This is the plan I’m following, lets see how it goes!

Overview of Core Practices

  • Morning Pages:
    Every morning, write three pages of uninterrupted, stream‑of‑consciousness writing. These pages are for you only—let thoughts flow without judgment.

  • Artist Date:
    Once a week, set aside a few hours for a solo creative outing. Choose an activity that feeds your curiosity and inspires you (a museum visit, a walk in nature, browsing an art fair, etc.).

Week 1: Embracing Your Creative Identity

Rediscover and affirm that creativity is a natural part of who you are.


  • Morning Pages: Get into the habit of writing three pages each morning.

Weekly Exercise:

  • Life Pie:

    • Draw a circle and divide it into slices representing different areas of your life (work, relationships, hobbies, health, etc.).

    • Identify which slices feel nourishing to your creativity and which might be blocking it.

    • Reflect on how you can bring more creative energy into the less vibrant areas.

Reflection Prompt:
“What does creativity mean to me, independent of any external expectations?”

Week 2: Recognizing and Overcoming Creative Blocks

Identify limiting beliefs and habits that keep your creative energy at bay.


  • Morning Pages: Continue your daily free writing.

Weekly Exercise:

  • Letter to Your Inner Critic:

    • Write a letter addressing any negative self-talk or doubts that arise when you try to be creative.

    • Then, write a supportive response that reframes these criticisms into opportunities for growth.

    • Keep both letters and refer back to them when you feel stuck.

Reflection Prompt:
“What internal narratives have I adopted about creativity, and how can I challenge them?”

Week 3: Reconnecting with Play and Curiosity

Tap into the playful, experimental side of your creativity that might have been sidelined.


  • Morning Pages: Let your thoughts run wild and free.

Weekly Exercise:

  • Play Date with Yourself:

    • Choose an activity purely for fun—this might be doodling, writing nonsense poetry, dancing, or exploring a new craft.

    • Embrace the experience without worrying about the outcome.

    • Afterwards, jot down what you discovered about your creative impulses.

Reflection Prompt:
“How can I reclaim the uninhibited joy I once experienced in creative play?”

Week 4: Exploring Creative Connections

Examine how your relationships, experiences, and environment influence your creativity.


  • Morning Pages: Use your pages to explore memories and connections that have shaped your creative journey.

Weekly Exercise:

  • Mapping Your Creative Influences:

    • List people, experiences, places, and works of art that have inspired you.

    • Create a visual “map” or collage that shows how these influences connect to your creative vision.

    • Consider reaching out to someone who has been a positive influence to share insights or even collaborate.

Reflection Prompt:
“In what ways do my connections and past experiences enrich my creative process?”

Week 5: Releasing Perfectionism and Embracing Experimentation

Let go of the need for perfection and allow yourself to experiment without fear.


  • Morning Pages: Notice and write about any emerging feelings of self-judgment.

Weekly Exercise:

  • The Experiment Challenge:

    • Pick a creative medium or technique you’ve never tried before.

    • Set a timer (or work until you feel you’ve explored enough) and create something without worrying about “quality.”

    • Later, reflect on the experience and what you learned from trying something new.

Reflection Prompt:
“How does releasing the need for perfection change my approach to creative risks?”

Week 6: Integrating Reflection and Practice

Look back on your journey so far, noticing patterns, growth, and insights to carry forward.


  • Morning Pages: Begin to look for recurring themes or ideas that have surfaced over the past weeks.

Weekly Exercise:

  • Creative Journey Mind Map:

    • Draw a mind map or journal a narrative that connects the insights from your morning pages, artist dates, and weekly exercises.

    • Highlight key themes, breakthroughs, and areas that still feel unexplored.

    • Use this as a guide for where you’d like to take your creative practice next.

Reflection Prompt:
“What are the consistent themes in my creative journey, and how can I nurture them moving forward?”

Week 7: Celebrating Your Creative Journey

Acknowledge and celebrate the progress you’ve made while setting intentions for the future.


  • Morning Pages: Reflect on your evolution and note any shifts in mindset or creative energy.

Weekly Exercise:

  • Creative Celebration Collage or Vision Board:

    • Gather images, words, and mementos that represent your creative journey and aspirations.

    • Assemble them into a collage or vision board that you can display as a reminder of your growth and potential.

    • Consider writing a celebratory letter to yourself that honors your commitment to creativity.

Reflection Prompt:
“How can I honor my creative journey and continue nurturing my creative self beyond these seven weeks?”


Remembering the Meaning of a ‘Jack of all Trades’